COVID-19 Resources
Datix Cymru Concerns Management System
Incident Reporting Form
**Optometry - Logged Out Form**
Incident Affecting?
Who was affected?
You must enter a value in this field
People Affected
When did the incident happen
Incident date
You must enter a value in this field
You must enter a value in this field
Reported Date
You must enter a value in this field
Where did the Incident happen?
Location of Incident
You must enter a value in this field
Confirm Exact Location?
Please confirm the exact location
I confirm this is the exact location
Exact location
You must enter a value in this field
Incident Severity
Reporter's initial harm assessment
This incident is graded on potential harm caused by the Health Body
The All Wales Grading Framework is part of the PTR Regs. For a copy of the framework please right click over the underlined text and select 'open link in new window.'
Grading Framework
You must enter a value in this field
Does this incident need external reporting?
Certain incidents and events are reportable to external agencies such as the NHS Wales Executive, Welsh Government, Health and Safety Executive (HSE) including RIDDOR, Medicines Healthcare Regulatory Agency (MHRA), Never Events and SMTL
You must enter a value in this field
Incident Details/What Happened
Please provide a brief description of the incident ensuring that
no identifiable information
is included in this box.
put: Names, Hospital/NHS Number, Date of Birth, Acronyms eg GP, HV, DN, BP
You must enter a value in this field
Brief Description of Actions Taken
Please provide a brief description of any immediate action taken, ensuring that
no identifiable information
is included in this box.
put: Names, Hospital/NHS Number, Date of Birth, Acronyms eg GP, HV, DN, BP
You must enter a value in this field
Vehicle Registration Number
Where a vehicle was involved in the incident
You must enter a value in this field
Booking or CAS Number if applicable (WAST)
You must enter a value in this field
Laboratory Specimen Number
You must enter a value in this field
Incident Type
You must enter a value in this field
You must enter a value in this field
Sub Category
You must enter a value in this field
You have selected 'Other' - Please tell us what sub subtype option is missing from the system
You must enter a value in this field
Fire Additional Options
You must enter a value in this field
Fire alarm activation: Additional Options
You must enter a value in this field
Was a ligature used?
You must enter a value in this field
Method violence and aggression was received by
You must enter a value in this field
Was absconder detained under the Mental Health Act?
You must enter a value in this field
Has a Perpetrator been identified?
You must enter a value in this field
Please provide as much information that is known about the perpetrator
e.g. description of perpetrator
You must enter a value in this field
Restrictive Practice
Additional Information
Was any equipment involved in the incident?
You must enter a value in this field
Did medication have a direct impact on this incident?
You must enter a value in this field
Was a Controlled Drug involved?
You must enter a value in this field
Don't Know
Is this Incident related to EPMA (Electronic Prescribing and Medicines Administration)?
You must enter a value in this field
Does this Incident have Information Governance considerations?
The answer should be 'yes' if the incident involves personal or sensitive data, including near misses. For example, a breach of confidentiality, theft, loss or misuse of personal data, information security, etc. For further advice, please contact your information governance team
You must enter a value in this field
Does this incident have any safeguarding elements?
You must enter a value in this field
If yes, what process(es) were or will be followed?
You must enter a value in this field
Is there any factor relating to Emergency Planning for the Incident?
You must enter a value in this field
Date of
Industrial Action
You must enter a value in this field
Further information pertinent to Industrial Action
You must enter a value in this field
Is this incident about nursing care?
This relates to the NHS Wales Nurse Staffing Act and appropriate staffing level and skill mix
You must enter a value in this field
IPC antigens
You must enter a value in this field
Were temporary staff involved in the incident?
You must enter a value in this field
Was any other contact involved in the incident?
You must enter a value in this field
Information Governance
Is this incident highly confidential (not for circulation)?
This may include highly confidential information (staff/service user/patient) which requires restricted access. This may include Freedom to Speak up Safely
You must enter a value in this field
Who have you informed of the incident?
You must enter a value in this field
Please select which 'Other NHS Body' has been informed
You must enter a value in this field
Other NHS Body, please provide more detail
You must enter a value in this field
When searching for drug ‘administered/omitted’ or ‘intended/suspected’, if you are unable to find the medication involved in the incident please search for ‘other drug’ and select ‘other Drug not listed’. You will then be required to enter details of the medication in the section: Details of ‘other drug’ involved in the incident.
Details of "other drug" involved in the incident
Blood Transfusion
Violence and Aggression Incidents
Openness and Transparency
Are there any documents to be attached to this record?
You must enter a value in this field
Details of person reporting the incident
Clear section
You must enter a value in this field
You must enter a value in this field
You must enter a value in this field
You must enter a value in this field
Work Telephone Number
You must enter a value in this field
Additional Reporter Details
Reporters Location
This would be your usual place of work
You must enter a value in this field
Reporters Service
This would be Service/Dept in which you work/are employed
You must enter a value in this field
Submit and print